Growth and recruitment in the software industry: Optimize with software consulting!

Need a hand in your software project, pronto? Sometimes the need for an expert comes in suddenly, and there is not much time for a thorough recruitment process. Or maybe, you only need help for a fixed amount of time, and don’t want to waste it searching for the right person to help you. You might also need an expert with a very specific skill set, and trying to find that person to recruit can be a very time-consuming process.

According to Statistics Finland, 98 % of companies at least have their own website in use, and in Gartner’s recent forecast, IT spending is expected to rise in 2024 by 6,8 % from 2023. So, even though last year was difficult for the IT sector, growth is expected for the current year. It is important to prioritize software endeavours, in order to stay up to date in the future.

According to a pulse survey conducted by Software Finland, 80 % of companies in the software industry expect growth in revenue in 2024, and 47 % expect to hire more personnel. These figures are lower for all small and medium-sized companies, according to a report by Suomen Yrittäjät: 31 % expect revenue growth, and 12 % expect to hire new personnel. So, even though the biggest peak of the software boom might be in the past, the sector is still spearheading growth in Finland. Here at Marvel Consulting, we expect around a 50 % growth in 2024. This is why our mission is to help all companies become Software Companies: so they can also benefit from the same growth opportunities!

Recruiting processes often take a month or two to complete, and that timeline can be even longer when looking for highly skilled expertise. It can be difficult to get applicants at all — or, contrarily, it can take too much time to sort through all the applicants by yourself.

Let us do the work for you!

When you need a software expert with specific expertise to quickly come save your software project, we can help you! The right person to aid you might already be among our extensive network of experts, and if not, we’ll use our expertise to help you find them. You won’t have to spend your time putting up job listings on every possible website out there, and then wait for the right people to find you. We can help with the search! We’ll further save you time by only introducing you to software professionals with the expertise that you need. 

In today's fast-paced digital age, agility and adaptability are important for businesses to stay ahead of the curve. With the rapid evolution of technology and ever-changing market dynamics, having access to specialized expertise on-demand can be a game-changer. Our streamlined approach to recruitment ensures that you're not left scrambling to fill crucial roles when time is of the essence. Whether it's a sudden surge in project demands or the need for niche skills to tackle a specific challenge, we are committed to providing prompt and effective solutions, tailored to your unique requirements. 

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